Born with Purpose, or Choose One? — Issue #30

2 min readAug 16, 2021

Reflection #1: Born with Purpose, or Choose One?

If you ask enough people, you’ll probably find that there are two basic schools of thought regarding life purpose:

1. Those who believe that a life purpose is something that we are born with, that it is planted in our souls before we are born and we must embody or achieve it. It’s our embedded destiny, and we have no choice in the matter.

2. Those who believe that fate and destiny don’t exist, and we have the power (or “free will”) to choose our life purpose and do what we choose with our lives.

Which group do you belong to? Destiny? Or, choice?

There are no easy or perfect answers to this question. So, if you’re still not sure, I’d like to propose a workable compromise for you -> Click Here.

What if a life purpose is something you are born with, but you also have full control over how and when you act on it?

What if, with a little reflection and choice, you could move naturally and easily toward your life purpose without feeling like you “have to” do specific things?

You might be surprised to discover that unlocking your life purpose can be an enjoyable process. It’s the kind of “choice” that changes everything — from emptiness to fulfilment, from boredom to passion.

Destiny and choice.

The choice is the power in purpose. Each of us is an “experiment of one.” Each of us has an embedded destiny — gifts to add value to the world. And, we were born with free will to choose how we think, act, and react.

Relevant Links

  1. What is the main purpose of purpose?
  2. Seven Ways to Begin Unlocking Your Purpose
  3. The Route to Your Destination




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